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The Best Fallout 4 Lockpick Mods for a More Immersive Experience

This mod 'ungates' all locks, allowing you to try to pick them even if you don't have the matching perk. Having a perk could make it easier to pick the lock for that level; or add a bonus to all locks; or both. You can even make lockpicking trivial. You can adjust the difficulties and progression for each aspect of lockpicking as you see fit.

Each lockpick perk now also enables automatic unlocking of the level BELOW that perk. If you're tired of wasting your time on a "minigame" that's tedious and not even challenging, this is the mod for you.

fallout 4 lockpick mod

UPDATE 11/12/15Now includes Easy Lockpick and Guaranteed Pickpocket as extra downloads!-New!- Easy Lockpick makes any position of the bobby pin work for lockpicking (Still need the required perks!)-New!- Guaranteed Pickpocket makes the pickpocket chance for any item 100%

With this Fallout 4 mod for PS4, you can easily hack terminals and pick locks without having to suffer through this excruciating minigame over and over again. The only things that matter here are the Sole Survivor's lockpicking and hacking skills, which determine whether they can open certain locks in the first place.

The Iron Rose apparently hates picking locks, and if you do, too, you should definitely install this mod that lets you crack every lock on the first try. While you still have to unlock the Advanced, Expert and Master lockpicking perks, this definitely means opening doors and scoring loot much easier.

Lockpicking is a simple minigame in Skyrim that players will interact with over and over again. As a result, small annoyances will be noticed more and more by the player over time, including the fact that the lockpick centers itself if it breaks during an unlocking attempt.

The Remember Lockpick Angle mod adds a simple yet much-needed fix in this regard. It ensures that the new lockpick is held at the angle as the previous one before it broke off, which is a logical change that many fans will grow to appreciate over time.

Simply Knock doubles as a quality-of-life improvement and an immersion mod. Whenever players find themselves in front of a locked door on someone's property, they can choose to knock on the door instead of instantly going to lockpicking.

This mod gives you the option of getting rid of the lockpicking minigame and replace it with one that is much more realistic. The mod adds three new equipable lockpicks. When one of these lockpicks is equiped, you can attempt to pick a lock by pointing the lockpick towards a locked item and leftclicking. Beware that someone may see you and report your crime! A more detailed description of how to use the mod can be found in section 5 below. Please take your time to read it.

To uninstall the mod, remove all lockpicks from your inventory (except for vanilla Oblivion lockpicks). Wait three days (or whatever your respawn time is). Uncheck ZumbsLockpickingMod.esp in the launcher and delete the five files mentioned above.

When the mod is loaded for the first time, it will convert vanilla lockpicks to the best possible equipable lockpick. To upgrade to a better lockpick open your inventory and find the vanilla lockpicks. Leftclick them. If you have enough lockpicks for the a better set of picks, a new set of picks will be added to your inventory (the quality of the lockpicks depend on the number of lockpicks in your inventory, see section 5d).

How much do the different types of lockpicks help? The table below notes the chance of successfully picking the most difficult lock of the given difficulty level (assuming Luck is 50) with different lockpicks.

When you try to pick something there is a small chance that you make a critical success or failure. The probability for each is about 1:600. On critical failure you fail opening the lock, and may damage your lockpicks. On critical success you succeed in picking the lock and get more experience.

This mod gives you the option of getting rid of the lockpicking minigame and replace it with realtime lockpicking. The mod adds three new equipable lockpicks. When one of these lockpicks is equiped, you can attempt to pick a lock by pointing the lockpick towards a locked item and leftclicking. Beware that someone may see you and report your crime! A more detailed description of how to use the mod can be found in section 5 below. Please take your time to read it.

If you have tweeked the ini, you should not overwrite it. Also, the new ini changes the default setting from 3rd person lockpicking to 1st person lockpicking. Otherwise just copy all the files to your Oblivion/Data folder.

When the mod is loaded for the first time, it will convert the vanilla lockpicks in your inventory to the best possible equipable lockpick. To upgrade to a better lockpick open your inventory and find the vanilla lockpicks. Leftclick them. If you have enough lockpicks for the a better set of picks, a new set of picks will be added to your inventory (the quality of the lockpicks depend on the number of lockpicks in your inventory, see section 5d).

When you try to pick something there is a small chance that you make a critical success or failure. The probability for each is about 1:100. On critical failure you fail opening the lock, and may damage your lockpicks. On critical success you succeed in picking the lock and get more experience.

This mod is highly configurable, allowing users to change a number of settings, such as difficulty of lockpicking, quality and price of lockpicks, as well as whether or not to allow picking of key-only locks. The settings can be edited in ZumbsLockpickingModOBSE.ini. To apply the changes in an existing game, open the console (the key just below your Esc button) and type:

Fantastic mod. If you're open for suggestions, I would add configuration for changing the sensitivity of the lockpick itself, along with an option to break the window but in turn having a chance to alert law enforcement based on ped density within an area.

It's a single F4SE plugin that only affects one function so unless you have another mod which specifically targets the lockpick reset function it should be compatible with everything. 2ff7e9595c

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